
Alien Review CFIR

In this episode of Cult Film in Review, we discuss the new Alien: Covenant trailer, talk about our favorite director, Danny McBoyle, and decide whether we’ve given up hating on computer generated imagery. Also, Kyle tells us a story from when he was seven… or twelve. We discuss the beautiful, yet non-functional design of the Nostromo. We also gush over the very-functional Ellen Ripley; dubbing her as one of the most iconic heroes in all of cinema. Sigourney Weaver isn’t the only one, though. We pretty much lose it over this entire cast, mentioning how subtle, yet effective they all are. Finally, The Crew can’t remember the names of half the characters in this film (and honestly, when is this not an issue) so we take some time to collect our bearings and introduce a new character, the Mighty Hoss!

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